Great causes breed great spirits, which go on to guide those causes. Our struggle against poverty has forged such a spirit, “unite as one, do our best, set targets, adopt a pragmatic approach, be pioneers, innovate, tackle tough issues head-on, and live up to our people's trust”. This spirit is a vivid representation of the nature and purpose of the CPC, the determination of the Chinese people, and the spirit of the Chinese nation; it is a concentrated reflection of patriotism, collectivism, and socialism; it is a full manifestation of China’s spirit, values, and strength; and it is a continuation of our great national spirit and the spirit of our times.
The great spirit of poverty alleviation will inspire the cadres and the masses to forge ahead towards the realization of the second Centennial goal and write the most beautiful chapter of the new journey. The journey is long, the spirit is eternal, and the original heart shines forever. The great spirit of poverty alleviation is a precious spiritual wealth that will inspire the Chinese people to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and continue to struggle for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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朗读:邱文娜 亓俊婷
编辑:司同欣 张瑞麟 马曌
排版:新闻宣传中心 范奕敏 梁铭浩
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