发布时间:2022-12-02 10:00:31
小雪(Light Snow)是二十四节气中的第20个节气,冬季第2个节气。小雪是反映降水与气温的节气,它是寒潮和强冷空气活动频数较高的节气。《孝经纬》中写道:“立冬后十五日,斗指亥,为小雪。天地积阴,温则为雨,寒则为雪。(Heavy clouds float in the sky, which fall as rain when the weather is warming up and fall as snow when the weather is cooling off.)时言小者,寒未深而雪未大也。”“雪”是寒冷天气的产物,这个节气期间的气候寒未深且降水未大,故用“小雪”来比喻这个节气期间的气候特征。小雪节气的到来,意味着天气会越来越冷、降水量渐增。(The weather will get colder and the amount of precipitation will increase.)中国古人将小雪分为三候:一候虹藏不见;二候天气上升地气下降;三候闭塞而成冬。由于天空中的阳气上升,地中的阴气下降,导致天地不通,阴阳不交,所以万物失去生机,天地闭塞而转入严寒的冬天。(The rising of yang in the sky and the falling of yin on the earth lead to blockage between heaven and earth, and gapping between yin and yang. Therefore, every life loses its vigor, and vitality is blocked when the cold winter settles.)
收集雪水(Collecting snow water):
在中国的某些地方,如果小雪这天下雪了,会收集雪水,装在一个瓷器里,寓意保持身体健康。(In some parts of China, if it snows on Light Snow, people will collect snow water and put it in a porcelain container, believing that it will bless them with good health. )
做手工(Making handicrafts):
在农村,由于天气原因,外面大规模的农事活动已经结束,人们会在家中做一些简单的手工,如做竹编、纺织等。(In rural areas, large-scale outdoor farming activities have ended due to the weather. People choose do some simple crafts at home, such as bamboo weaving, knitting and so on.)
腌咸菜做腊肉(Making pickles and bacon):
民间有“冬腊风腌,蓄以御冬”的习俗。小雪时节气温急剧下降,天气变得干燥,是加工腊肉的好时候。一些农家开始动手做香肠、腊肉,把多余的肉类用传统方法储备起来,等到春节时正好享受美食。(During the Light Snow, the temperature drops sharply and the weather becomes dry. It is a good time to make bacon. Some farmers begin to make sausages and bacon, and store surplus meat through traditional methods, so that they could enjoy delicious food during the Spring Festival.)很多地方都有冬季吃腊肉的习俗,尤其是南方城市,更是对腊味情有独钟。广州人最喜欢用腊味来做腊味萝卜糕、腊味煮香芋,还有腊肠炒蜜豆。
晒鱼干(Making dried fish):
小雪时台湾中南部海边的渔民们会开始晒鱼干、储存干粮。乌鱼群会在小雪前后来到台湾海峡,另外还有旗鱼、沙鱼等。(During Light Snow, fishermen at central and southern Taiwan begin to dry fish and store food ration. Shoals of mullet, as well as swordfish and sardines, come to the Taiwan Strait before and after Light Snow.)台湾俗谚:“十月豆,肥到不见头。”是指在嘉义县布袋一带,到了农历十月可以捕到“豆仔鱼”。
吃“刨汤”,是土家族的风俗习惯,用热气尚存的上等新鲜猪肉,精心烹饪而成的美食称为“刨汤”。小雪前后,土家族群众又开始了一年一度的“杀年猪,迎新年”民俗活动,给寒冷的冬天增添了热烈的气氛。(During the Light Snow, Tujia ethnic group start the annual folk custom of "killing pigs and welcoming the New Year", which renders a warm atmosphere during the cold winter.)
小雪(Light Snow)是二十四节气中的第20个节气,冬季第2个节气。
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