(作物所教工党支部 文│王年鸿;摄影│冯琦栋)
参加“走进美丽乡村 品味稻香文化”后感
A Wonderful Visit “Daoxiang”
Name: Mohammad Shah Alam; Country: Bangladesh; Student: PhD candidate; ID: 11716092
As a doctoral student of agriculture (rice) background and Civil Service (Agriculture) Officer under ministry of agriculture in my country, I am always enthusiastic to visit and learn relationships among farmers, private company, research organizations as well as government. On 26 October from morning 9.30 to afternoon 1, I am lucky to say that, I have warmly enjoyed “MUST GO” visit of Daoxiang Town, organized by crop science institute.
First of all, it was made me happy that the village was well furnished for instance different buildings, farmers training shade, roads for communication, water canals, roadside ornamental plants, clean grounds, and even playing place for kids where my two kids enjoyed too much. The auditorium was an excellent place from where people can learn and enjoy displayed agricultural activities. There were displayed pictures of various cloths, pottery and necessary items useful for everyday life under a very good shade where people could be trained. Hundreds of rice and rice made items were charming scenery for me. Moreover, all crops field especiallyrice were nicely cultivated surrounded by efficient water supply drains. The colorful rice cultivars of Zhejiang university research works (yellow and pink) were amusing. Besides, we enjoyed crop cutting of rice and learnt from farmers. Finally, we enjoyed marvelous launch all participants together.
I strongly believe, the village is outstanding creation of Chinese government by which expected agricultural productions are being confirmed with farmers’ desirable benefits. In fine, many many thanks to all our beloved professors who participated with us and organized the program.
Field Visit: Yongan Daoxiang Town, Hangzhou
Name: Adeela Rasheed; I.D #: 21916218; Master Student
Country: Pakistan
This report covers the activities carried during a field trip to the Yongan Daoxiang Town, Hangzhou on October 26, 2020. The field visit is an important part of the student training beyond the curricular activities at Institute of Crop Science, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University. The goal of the visit was for me to experience the rural culture, interaction with Chinese farmers other than that in which I have been completing my curriculum for the past 12 months.
Yongan Daoxiang Town, Hangzhou, is famous for the production of colored and high quality rice developed by Zhejiang University have begun to form ears and was started to harvest after the National Day Holiday. I visited Yongan Daoxiang Town, Hangzhou from 10am to 1pm on October 26, 2020 and spent the day following the activities of locals. I observed pre and post harvesting techniques. During my short visit, I attended a video presentation at the town’s auditorium. I visited paddy and harvested fields. During my visit, I learned that one of the things that makes Yongan Daoxiang Town unique is the value placed on culture.
The main objectives of the field trip to Yongan Daoxiang Town, Hangzhou were:
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