
发布时间:2022-04-03 12:24:58

春分(the March equinox or the Spring/Northward equinox),春季第四个节气,于每年公历3月19日-22日交节。春分在天文学上有重要意义。这天,太阳直射赤道,南北半球昼夜平分。自这天以后,太阳直射位置继续由赤道向北半球推移,北半球各地白昼开始长于黑夜,南半球与之相反。(The March equinox is also known as the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and as the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. On this day, the sunlight shines vertically on the equator, equally dividing the day and night in both the southern and northern hemispheres. Afterward, the sun moves northwards, resulting in gradually longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere.)在气候上,春分也有比较明显的特征。我国除青藏高原、东北、西北和华北北部地区外均进入了明媚的春天。春分后,气候温和,雨水充沛,阳光明媚。

立蛋(Egg-Balancing games):

“春分到,蛋儿俏”,春分时节,各地都兴玩竖鸡蛋的游戏。(Egg-Balancing is a popular game across the country on the Spring Equinox.)人们借这一传统庆祝春之来临。据分析,春分是玩这个游戏的最佳时间,因为在这一天,66.5度倾斜的地球地轴与地球绕太阳公转的轨道平面,刚好处于一种力的相对平衡状态,有利于立蛋。

送春牛图(Sending out Spring Farm Cattle Pictures):


犒劳耕牛(Treating farm cattle to glutinous rice balls):

江南地区流行犒劳耕牛的习俗。春分已至,耕牛即开始一年的劳作,以糯米团喂耕牛表示犒赏,祈祷丰年(praying for a good year of bumper harvest

吃春菜(Eating spring vegetables (amaranth) ):


吃白萝卜(Eating turnips):

在扬州地区,还有着春分吃白萝卜或白萝卜丝馅的包子、春卷的风俗。在春季养生中,效果最好的当属白萝卜。白萝卜具有清热生津、理气、消食化痰的作用,生吃偏于清热生津,煮熟偏于行气消食。(Raw turnips help clear heat and promote body fluid, while cooked ones do good to digestion.)在春分时节吃白萝卜不但能上下通气,还能起到去疾病、解春困的功效。

酿酒(Making wine):



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