沙龙 | 英语学院口译研究沙龙举办4月份讲座

发布时间:2023-05-26 16:07:20

4月20日,口译研究沙龙系列讲座(2023年第2期)在腾讯会议平台进行。本期沙龙主讲人为广东外语外贸大学教师Kizito Tekwa博士,沙龙俱乐部的师生们参与了本期活动。



    在最后的问答环节,参会老师和同学们踊跃提问,Kizito博士就技术运用、CAI 训练、学生成长与大家进行了热烈的讨论。本次口译沙龙讲座生动具体、引人深思,在与会老师和同学们的一致好评中落幕。


Dr. Kizito Tekwa is a professional translator and translation technology (CAT, Localization and Project Management, MTPE, and Audiovisual Translation) and technical writing teacher at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. He worked for five years at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), teaching at the School of English Studies (SES), Honors College, and Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT). In addition, he is a researcher with several publications in top academic journals (SSCI) and book chapters with Springer. He has published The Gender Wage Gap (a translated book), Writing: A textbook to improve essay writing and avoid Chinglish, and A technical communication coursebook for college students. He is working on a (machine) translation postediting book and several national-level projects.

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