从容莫负少年头 ——留法勤工俭学学生“魂”致何孟雄的明信片

发布时间:2022-01-06 09:23:03




朗读者:2020级硕士生 陈德港

这是1920年8月 14 日留法勤工俭学学生“魂”寄给何孟雄的明信片。明信片的背面为湖泊风景图案,图案下方有印刷字“259 PARIS,—Le Las du Bois de Boulogne.—XX.”(意为259巴黎--布洛涅树林的湖泊--XX.)。明信片的正面是黑色钢笔书写的内容,分为左右两栏:左栏为正文,右栏为何孟雄的通信地址。明信片贴两枚邮票(征集时已遗失),盖4枚圆形邮戳,其中两枚的内容随邮票遗失而不见,仅留下圆形轮廓;另两枚为寄达邮戳,内容分别为“北京 PEKING 28 SEP 20”“PEKING 九月廿八 北京”。明信片左上角的正文上方钤有“张瑞林”黑色印戳。

This is the postcard from “Hun” (Spirit), a student who worked part-time while learning in France, to He Mengxiong on August 14, 1920. On the back of the postcard lies a picture of a lake, below which a line in print reads “259 PARIS, — Le Las du Bois de Boulogne. — XX.” (“259 Paris — Lake of Boulogne Woods — XX.). The front of the postcard contains two columns of words written in black ink; the left one presents the text while He Mengxiong’s mailing address is on the right. The postcard used to have two stamps and four circular postmarks, but the stamps and two of the postmarks on them had already been lost ever before the postcard was collected. Now what remain there are the circular outlines of the two missing postmarks, as well as the other two suggesting when and where the postcard arrived — the one in English says “BEIJING PEKING 28 SEP 20” and the Chinese one shows “PEKING 九月廿八 北京”. On the upper left corner above the text lies a black name stamp “Zhang Ruilin”.



Monsieur 何孟雄

骑河楼斗鸡坑七号Pekin Chine

孟雄:我们于六月廿五晨五(点)钟由上海开船,历四十一日,于八月五日安抵巴黎,此次共来学生二百卅二名,内女生五名,七日便分送入各补习学校,我分在College de Dreux,通信处如前。




To Monsieur He Mengxiong

No.7 in Cockfighting Pit Hutong on Qihelou Street, Peking, China

Dear Mengxiong,

We left Shanghai at 5:00 a.m. on June 25. After forty-one days at sea, we arrived in Paris safe and sound on August 5. A total of 232 students, including five girls, came this time. We were sent to different colleges on August 7, and I am now assigned to College de Dreux. 

My mailing address is mentioned above. May everyone stay safe and healthy.



August 14



He Mengxiong (1898 – 1931) was born and brought up in Ling County, Hunan Province. He joined the early Communist Party of Beijing in 1920 and became secretary of the CPC Beijing Regional Committee in 1921. In the same year, he joined in the leadership of the Northern Labor Union Secretary Department and organized many labor movements in the north. In the following years, He Mengxiong served as secretary of the CPC Tangshan Regional Committee, and then head of the Organization Department of Hankou Municipal Party Committee. In 1927, he became a member of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural Committee, leading peasant struggles in Jiangsu and many other regions. In 1930, he became secretary of the CPC Shanghai Central District Committee. In January 1931, He Mengxiong was arrested at the Oriental Hostel and executed shortly afterwards in Longhua.



The real name of the postcard sender was Pu Zhaohun, a student who worked part-time while studying in France. “No.7 in Cockfighting Pit Hutong on Qihelou Street” was the address of He Mengxiong in Group One of the Beijing Work-and-Learning Mutual Aid Corps, which was established at the end of 1919 by a group of young people with the ideal of reforming society through practicing the communist way of living. At that time, He Mengxiong was an auditor at Peking University and one of the first to join the corps, where he and his classmates ran dining halls, provided laundry services, and taught English and arithmetic. In February 1920, Pu Zhaohun and his classmates at the French Language Institute formed Group Four of the Beijing Work-and-Learning Mutual Aid Corps, where they engaged in the service of food and retailing.



Before joining the Beijing Work-and-Learning Mutual Aid Corps, both He Mengxiong and Pu Zhaohun were enthusiastic in the work-and-learning-in-France movement. In June 1918, He Mengxiong left his hometown in Hunan and was admitted to the Beijing Yijiao Temple Preparatory School for French studies. Pu Zhaohun, who was also studying French in Beijing, might have met He for the first time during this period.


These two ambitious youths gradually became comrades-in-arms fighting side by side in the process of pursuing truth and exploring social reforms. On May 1, 1920, He and Pu, as members of the Peking University Civilian Education Lecture Group, initiated the first conference in China honoring International Workers’ Day. That day, they launched a parade in the urban area, handing out leaflets and giving speeches to expose the ruling class’ exploitation of and oppression on the working class. This triggered panic among the reactionary authorities, who soon sent out military police to arrest and detain the paraders.



Under the joint guarantee of Cai Yuanpei, president of Peking University, and other influential people there, He Mengxiong, Pu Zhaohun and other paraders were finally released. May 17, 1920 was the day when they walked out of the dark prison and received a grand welcome from the Beijing Association of Students.


After this incident, the two progressive youths who were keen on pursuing truth became more determined and mature and began to explore a new approach to save the country and its people. Shortly afterwards, He Mengxiong joined the Beijing Communist Youth League and the Communist Group and became one of the earliest members of the Communist Party of China and the pioneer of labor movements. Pu Zhaohun, on the other hand, stepped on another path — to study abroad in France.

这张明信片不仅是何孟雄与蒲照魂友谊的见证,还是中国青年孜孜不倦追求真理的缩影,也是何孟雄关心留法勤工俭学情况的真实记录。1984年,这件文物由何孟雄之妻缪伯英烈士的胞弟缪立三捐赠。2001年9月, 经国家文物局近现代一级文物确认专家组鉴定,确认为一级文物。

This postcard is not only a witness to the friendship between He Mengxiong and Pu Zhaohun, but also a glimpse into Chinese youth’s tireless pursuit of truth. It is also a record of He Mengxiong’s concern about the work-and-learning programs in France. This cultural relic was donated in 1984 by Miao Lisan, the brother of He Mengxiong’s wife, Martyr Miao Boying. In September 2001, it was then identified as a first-class cultural relic by the expert panel of modern first-class cultural relics of the National Cultural Heritage Administration.


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    从容莫负少年头 ——留法勤工俭学学生“魂”致何孟雄的明信片。